Monday, January 24, 2011

Listening to intense Mozart music and drinking heavily is an awesome experience.


I woke up this morning well before my alarm went off.  Not out of the ordinary, seeing as I went to bed fairly early for me.  The only thing that was strange, was that I only half woke up.  I was aware that I was in bed, in my room, in my flat, but I was unable to make myself do anything.  I couldn't get up, I couldn't call out to my flatmate, and I couldn't wake myself up the rest of the way.  It was very unnerving. But I obviously recovered from my altered state enough to go to work.  And now I  plan on altering my current state again by getting ridiculously wasted and going to the club.  And when I'm drunk at the club:

I'd be lost without my blogger.

mostly tumblr, but this one pops into my head every once in a while.

I have returned, but i have nothing to say.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sorry sorry sorry

Yeah, I know I promised I was going to keep these up to date and I sorta let it go. I just get into doing other things that aren’t always productive and such. I started a vimeo account. Which is an amazing website ^_^  ( I only have like, one video up, and I’m going to be a doing a vlog type deal. But I have another video recorded, I just have to edit it, which I already did and it didn’t save on my computer. So I have to redo it. Which sucks. So I just haven’t gotten around to doing it since I’m on vacation. Once I get back to school I think I’ll start doing a lot more. It’s just a thing where I’m on vacation and I want to be lazy right now. lol.

