Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fucking Succeed...

has been my motto for the day.  Greetings!  Who am I? Who are you?  Doesn't matter.  I'm you're new overlord, HumDrumVee. Bow down. No you don't have to. But it'd be sweet if you did.

Anywho.  Today has been one nerdy day.  Nerdy is good.  Grow to love and embrace it.  Watched Iron Man, again.  Started my blog.  Joined up with this blog.  Now I'm gonna go watch Sherlock Holmes....again.  Because I'm an obsessed fan-girl, for everything Holmes, and RDJ.  I assume it annoys some people.  But hey, candy stripe a cancer ward, it's not my problem.  :)  I also fucking succeed at making shit up in the kitchen.  I made baked apples using the recipe that jumped into my head while studying about global hunger.  I felt kinda bad, because the African kids can't eat my delicious creations.

10 points to Gryffendor if you've read this far.  That is all.  Good night/morning/afternoon.


sweetxtangerinee said...

Dude. I want some baked apples.

Watson said...

I'll put one in the mail.