Sunday, October 31, 2010
ugh. meeting with a therapist tomorrow.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
yay :)
Then I saw that they were kinda brownish, but i thought eh, i'll eat it anyway.
Still alive so far.....
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Online classes, I will destroy thee.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I'm glad to have that taken care of finally.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Concert tonight…
Tonight is the concert for the Philharmonia, which is a part of the New Music Festival at BGSU. Basically my whole weekend is being given to music. This morning was dress rehearsal, tonight is the concert, and tomorrow we’re recording. I sorta feel like I’m being overwhelmed by it all. The music is way harder than in high school and we get less time to learn it and master it and that means I’m falling behind because I’m not practicing enough. Basically, I’m stressed. And whereas I used to feel so good when playing violin, I don’t know if I do anymore just because I feel so much worse about my playingg. Oh well. Je ne sais pas.
Also, on a better note, apparently HumDrumVee has sent me an apple in the mail… I don’t know if I believe her though… I mean, what is the likeliness that an apple will not go bad while in the mail? Not very likely at all. If I get a rotten apple in my mailbox I think my room mate will shoot me…
Friday, October 22, 2010
my morning so far.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I just watched Iron Man 2 from Netflix.
last nights dream
I was in a bookstore, looking at nothing in particular, when who else but Robert Downey, Jr, and Jude Law come up and ask where the Sherlock Holmes books were. I had no idea, so we all went trooping around looking for them. When they were found, RDJ and Mr. Law started signing them "Glad you're here, Sherlock Holmes" or "John Watson" depending on who was signing what. They then put them all back on the shelves and left. It was awesome. And cute. And I'm kinda sad I woke up. Thats it.
What was you're dream?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
my newest theory.
Monday, October 18, 2010
I think my roommate is trying to kill me.
My dinner was macaroni & cheese and garlic bread. Carbs, carbs, carbs, fats, sugar, death. Bad news for a diabetic.
Tomorrow will be the day from hell. Looonggg day. yay.
Side note.
"It is the manner in which you collect the data and not the statistical technique that allows one to make causal inferences".
text from Research Methods in Health Promotion by Richard Crosby, Ralph DiClemente, and Laura Salazar.
Thats a sweet name, isn't it? Salazar....
Meeting with my Advisor today
I’m really psyched for my meeting with my Advisor today, but also really nervous because I’m not sure what kind of feedback he’s going to give me on the topic of changing my major. I’m hoping it’s all positive and such but I’m not sure. On my personal blog I went into an angry shpeel if you want to click my link and check it out. I just figured that angry pissy time should be contained to my blog so I could spare anyone who checks out our random blog… if anyone even reads it lol. But hopefully all should go well.
On another topic, Wednesday at BGSU there is going to be a glowlight vigil for LGBTQ who have killed themselves, not just recently but in general. It’s from 8-9 in front of the student union and it will involve glowstick things instead of candles due to the university’s preference that there aren’t any candles on campus. I’ll post a link and stuff for the facebook event page. Also, check it this awesome video:
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Fucking Succeed...
Anywho. Today has been one nerdy day. Nerdy is good. Grow to love and embrace it. Watched Iron Man, again. Started my blog. Joined up with this blog. Now I'm gonna go watch Sherlock Holmes....again. Because I'm an obsessed fan-girl, for everything Holmes, and RDJ. I assume it annoys some people. But hey, candy stripe a cancer ward, it's not my problem. :) I also fucking succeed at making shit up in the kitchen. I made baked apples using the recipe that jumped into my head while studying about global hunger. I felt kinda bad, because the African kids can't eat my delicious creations.
10 points to Gryffendor if you've read this far. That is all. Good night/morning/afternoon.
New Author
Welp Ms. Motley has decided that she does not wish to continue blogging on this page, which is totally her prerogative, and she’s also decided that she doesn’t want her other blog account shared on here.
BUT!!! Another friend of mine has joined forces to create the greatest random blog EVA! You will see her name in the author thing so it should be pretty fantastical.
Ugh Procrastination is like herpes
No matter how many times I tell myself I’m going to start this french project and get serious, I don’t seem to get the message. At about 1 I posted on here that I was going to go and get busy and actually do my project, and I still haven’t really done ANYTHING. I’ve gotten the pictures I need but I have written anything AT ALL. This isn’t good. =[
Anyway, this time I am for sure going to close out of all my windows and start writing because I want to be done by 10 tonight. Just thought I’d make one last attempt at procrastination before I develop the headache that is just waiting to happen. –.-
Just as an update, I talked to Ms. Motley, and she does have her own tumblr blog now, but it doesn’t sound like she’s willing to continue updating the blogspot blogs anymore. I personally don’t really like tumblr very much thus far. I started one a little bit ago just to try it out, and it doesn’t seem like it’s compatible with Windows Live Writer, which is what I like to use to update my blogs as of today, which is a con for me. So I don’t think I’m going to be doing too much with that. I can get Ms. Motley’s tumblr link later though and post it on here for anyone who wants to check out her blog over there.
It’s time to come back..
Well I’m just messing around with the Windows Essentials 2011 because I just downloaded it, so I’m messing around with Windows Live Writer for the first time. And I just noticed that I haven’t made a post since 2007. Which was a long time ago, if you haven’t noticed. But I’m going to try to get back into the habit of blogging, rather than just posting about every little happening of my life on facebook.
Looking at this blog and posts I made on other two blogs has reminded me how hyper I used to be lol. If you haven’t noticed, I’m much more calm now. I’m actually in my freshman year of college right now. I’m currently a Creative Writing major, but that should change with in the week after I meet with my Advisor and the career center on campus. I’m going to be switching my major to French. I’m sticking with my music minor though so I can continue playing violin.
Now, I’m not sure what’s going on with Ms_motley. I know that she hasn’t posted in a while either, but I’m not sure if she’s started a new blog or something? I have this blog and one other blog with her, but I’m not sure I can reel her back into doing these things with me. I’m probably gonna give her a call later or message her to see if she’s game. She’s currently going to school to become an English teacher actually, which is pretty awesome and commendable if you ask me =P . But yeah, I don’t really have much else to say right now and I have a french project that is calling my name, so hopefully I’ll repost tomorrow or tonight. Seya.